
RadMonitor intends for continuous automated radiation monitoring of the environments at radiation hazardous sites. BDBG serie detectors are the key element of the system which also might include IT-09T / IT-09 data panels, USB/RS235 and USB/RS485 converters and RadMonitor software that displays, records data and can operate external Alarm system.


Intelligent high sensitive CsI(TI) with photomultiplier and Geiger-Muller counter based detector to be used both within data panels and automated systems of radiation monitoring to measure ambient dose equivalent rate of gamma radiation.


GeoRad is intended to measure ambient dose equivalent rate of gamma radiation and to pick up geographical coordinates and current time (from navigation satellites). Measurement results are displayed on a geographical map on the monitor of personal computer, and can be transmitted through radio channel.


Displays information about ambient dose equivalent rate of gamma radiation, real time and temperature. It has programable threshold levels of gamma radiation dose rate with audible and light alarms signalization.


Displays information about ambient dose equivalent rate of gamma radiation. It has programable threshold levels of gamma radiation dose rate with audible and light alarms signalization.