Water Surface Inspection
remotely operated catamarans are specially designed to meet the required performances for each application.
remotely operated catamarans are specially designed to meet the required performances for each application.
ROV based solutions for underwater inspection and monitoring.
Radiation Monitoring System ” INTER – 1M ” works completely automatically. It does not require to be manage or service. To operate the system, ” INTER -1M ”
does not need a special operating stuff training.
RAM-R-200 is a portable multifunctional, multidetector, rugged survey meter designed for measuring wide range g amma radiation fields and contamination.
The software to be used to program DKG-21M and EcotestCARD dosimeters and also for reading and computer processing of dosimetric measurement results and print exposure reports of the stuff.
ASDC ECOMONITOR is the solution to be used by the companies and agencies that deal with ionizing radiation for automated recording and control of individual absorbed doses of the staff with the application of DKG-21 and EcotestCARD personal gamma radiation dosimeters.
RadMonitor intends for continuous automated radiation monitoring of the environments at radiation hazardous sites. BDBG serie detectors are the key element of the system which also might include IT-09T / IT-09 data panels, USB/RS235 and USB/RS485 converters and RadMonitor software that displays, records data and can operate external Alarm system.
A full-range radiation survey device in the field environment.
Alpha, beta, gamma radiation measurement combined with possibility to archive measurement results with reference to the location coordinates with the integrated dual-system GPS / GLONASS.
Intelligent detector to measure ambient dose equivalent rate of gamma radiation in a wide range of values and spectroscopic identification of detected nuclides. BDBG-15S combines high sensitivity with minimal weight and dimentions, high mechanical resistance and luck of “microphone” effect. It is best solution for automative or robotic solutions and “secret monitoring”.
BDBG-09WGM is intelligent detector to be used both within data panels and automated systems of radiation monitoring to measure ambient dose equivalent rate of gamma radiation from a sub water position.